Taevo Publishing

[BLOG] Is Your Manuscript Ready for Submission? 10 Rules to Know About Standard Manuscript Formatting

There are many common mistakes that authors make which result in their manuscripts getting rejected. Yes, you will read everywhere about the staggering odds you must overcome to be accepted by a traditional publisher; but oftentimes it's the author sabotaging themselves before they have a chance to even face those odds.I - along with many other publishers, editors, and agents - have read hundreds, if not thousands of manuscripts. So far, the most frequent error I see regarding manuscripts isn't regarding whether it's good or not - it's that the work they submit is not in standard manuscript format. I'm...

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[BLOG] Before Seeking A Publisher, Should You Copyright Your Work?

This question arises constantly and with the rise of the "digital age", more and more authors worry about the risks of their work being stolen. Knowing your rights and how to navigate using them is what sets the pros apart from the newbies. While others may disagree, I am a strong believer that you should get your work copyrighted as soon as you've completed it. I debate this constantly with people online, and stand by my affirmation: protect your work. We live in the Internet age now. While there are many reputable people out there, an equal amount of not-so-trustworthy...

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[BLOG] Tips To Keep Your Writing Sharp

Join writing groups. Even online ones. It's important to stay active and engage with other writers. Writing can be a lonely profession, and it's good to have the support of like-minded people around you. Remember to find your tribe, engage with them, and love what they contribute to your writing. It always feels great to have people in your corner who understand your woes as a writer. Take writing classes. There are many free classes out there online but here's a bit of advice: if you're an experienced writer, use them only to challenge yourself.  Why? Because you get what...

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[BLOG] 5 Reasons To Publish Your First Book As An eBook

Considering the explosive rise of eBook popularity, it's unfortunate that so many authors fail to utilize this lucrative path of publishing. It's truly the best way for an author to build a platform at little-to-no cost. Unaware of the benefits that eBook publishing carries, many authors have wasted thousands on a print run, only to wail in agony as they find themselves overwhelmed by boxes of books that aren't selling fast enough… have errors… or are damaged. Thankfully, the eBook method of publishing has helped many authors avoid this anguish. An eBook offers just as much publishing credibility as a...

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[BLOG] Common Publishing Scams To Avoid

Unfortunately, sharks and vultures exist in every aspect of the business world, and the publishing world is no different. They circle new, unsuspecting authors dangerously, plotting how they can use your naiveté to unfairly squeeze thousands of dollars out of you. While there are a lot of honest, ethical people in the publishing business, there are just as many crooked ones, and the best way to protect yourself from them is through two ways: 1) arm yourself with more knowledge about the publishing world (especially self-publishing), and 2) know how to identify the scams. The Internet is littered with companies...

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[BLOG] Top 5 Things To NEVER Say To A Publisher

As you continue on this exciting path of publishing, you'll find that if you network properly, you're going to have the pleasure of finding yourself meeting and being surrounded by slews of authors, professional experts, and inspirational people who have overcome amazing odds. When I was actively publishing other authors, much of my networking was done in person, and the moment people found out they were in the presence of a publisher, I would hear the same thing: THEM: What do you do for a living? ME: I run my own publishing house, Taevo Publishing. THEM: You're a publisher? Wow!...

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[BLOG] New Year Note From the CEO

As I sit here pondering how to start, the CEO side of me says to "keep it tight, professional, and to the point". However, the writer in me, the creator in me, advises me to just speak from my heart. I'm choosing the latter. Professionalism be damned. Why did I start Taevo? I'll be honest. It was for purely selfish reasons. I'm a hungry reader, and I want more and more good books at my disposal. There are no words to describe how much I love to read, so I won't bore you with trying. Just know that I've been...

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[BLOG] Top Misunderstandings About Publishing, Part One

In order to succeed in publishing, one of the most important tips one can offer is to not go into it with unrealistic expectations. That is one of the most common - and costly - mistakes that beginning authors make. The best way to avoid this is to always do your research and read up on books from those who either work in the publishing industry, or have experienced success in publishing. You can see a list of great books here and collectively each of them reference the 10 most common misconceptions people tend to have about publishing. Misconception #1:...

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[BLOG] Starting Your Successful Publishing Journey: 4 Must-Read Books

Many of the questions that new authors ask pertain to publishing their book the right way. There is a plethora of misinformation and conflicting data out there, and it's because people are straight-up lying to you and exploiting what you don't know in order to get your money. As a result, authors are still running around in circles trying to figure out the proper steps, and they can’t always afford one-on-one help. So much incredibly bad information exists out there, some days we don’t know where to start when it comes to sorting it all out and setting people back...

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