Writing Tips

[STUDY] Unveiling “The 13 Curses of BIPOC Publishing”: A Journey to Collective Empowerment

In the intricate tapestry of the publishing world, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) voices hold profound significance, offering diverse perspectives and narratives that enrich our literary landscape. However, navigating a realm where we persist to support Black books comes with its unique set of challenges, often veiled by the distractions of systemic barriers. Recognizing and addressing these hurdles is paramount to fostering inclusivity, amplifying BIPOC voices, and forging a path toward collective empowerment. Embarking on a transformative journey, Taevo Publishing proudly presents "The 13 Curses of BIPOC Publishing." This series aims to unravel the intricacies of these curses,...

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[BLOG] Is Your Manuscript Ready for Submission? 10 Rules to Know About Standard Manuscript Formatting

There are many common mistakes that authors make which result in their manuscripts getting rejected. Yes, you will read everywhere about the staggering odds you must overcome to be accepted by a traditional publisher; but oftentimes it's the author sabotaging themselves before they have a chance to even face those odds.I - along with many other publishers, editors, and agents - have read hundreds, if not thousands of manuscripts. So far, the most frequent error I see regarding manuscripts isn't regarding whether it's good or not - it's that the work they submit is not in standard manuscript format. I'm...

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[BLOG] Tips To Keep Your Writing Sharp

Join writing groups. Even online ones. It's important to stay active and engage with other writers. Writing can be a lonely profession, and it's good to have the support of like-minded people around you. Remember to find your tribe, engage with them, and love what they contribute to your writing. It always feels great to have people in your corner who understand your woes as a writer. Take writing classes. There are many free classes out there online but here's a bit of advice: if you're an experienced writer, use them only to challenge yourself.  Why? Because you get what...

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